Students celebrated Constitution Day in Mr. Jackel's American History and American Government class. Students received a pocket Constitution and Constitution cookies.
1 day ago, Peter Jackel
Community Can collection will be 9/18-9/19. Please bring bagged cans to the dumpster by the bus parking. This helps our Juniors with Prom and our Seniors with their scholarship opportunities.
Seniors- Ball Metal applications are due Thursday. Bring them to Mrs Schlarb ASAP.
1 day ago, Jill Schlarb
REMINDER! Riverdale HS Student Council is hosting a blood drive Wed, Sept 25th in the auxiliary gym from 9-2. Sign up with Mrs. Shaw or on the Red Cross app!
1 day ago, Emily Shaw
Join us at our first District town hall meeting, Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30pm RHS Cafeteria. The district PI levy will the topic of discussion. See you there...
2 days ago, Greg Rossman
Our Elementary Fundraiser begins this THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th!
3 days ago, Julie Greer
C'mon out to Reineke Ford in Findlay this SATURDAY 9/14/24 from 9:00am-1:00pm to support Riverdale Athletics! Test Drive a new car, buy concessions and bake sale items, and get your car washed! #BluePride
7 days ago, Nate Sorg
Current Juniors and Seniors that meet the GPA qualification for applying to NHS, please check your emails as your application was sent out last week. This is a reminder that applications are due Thursday, September 19th.
8 days ago, Riverdale National Honor Society
8th graders who are planning on going to Washington DC: Mandatory Meeting TONIGHT, Sept. 10 at 6:00pm in the cafeteria of the K-12 building . If you want to go with us to Washington DC, it is required that you are there with a guardian! Hope to see you all tonight!
8 days ago, Angie Wehrle
Riverdale is hosting another blood drive!
9 days ago, Emily Shaw
Reminder to Seniors- Ball Metal scholarship application is due Sept 19. Pick up in Mrs Schlarb's room.
Community- please drop all bagged aluminum cans on Sept 18-19 in the dumpster by the bus parking. This allows our students to participate in the scholarship program.
9 days ago, Jill Schlarb
Mrs. Thacker's 3rd grade hosted students from Okayama University of Science & Chiba Institute of Science who are visiting UF this month. They shared information about Japan and taught us to play Kedama & make Origami. We had lots of fun showing our new friends our recess games!
12 days ago, Kristie Thacker
We are looking for community members to be part of our RELM program. The Riverdale Early Literacy Mentorship program works with students in grades K-2 to help improve literacy skills. This program marks year 6 in helping our youngest students learn, read and grow.
For more information call the number on the flyer.
13 days ago, Missie Borkosky
RHS Marching Band, The Hardin County Band Show was impressive last night, Great job Ms. Alllison Rader, and all band members.
15 days ago, Greg Rossman
Mrs. Suever's class working on a math grid. Mrs. Nye assisting students. Mr. Brown's class getting instructions before going to the welding shop to practice.
15 days ago, Greg Rossman
Mrs Thacker's class has been learning about the scientific method. We've measured to see if our arm reach was actually equal to our height and did some STEM challenges. Today we tried the sweeter side of science and tested our hypothesis that cookies would float in milk.
19 days ago, Kristie Thacker
We are in need of substitute teachers, aides, and secretaries. If you are interested in working with students and have a high school diploma, we need YOU! For interest in sub teaching, please go to the Hancock Co. ESC on CR 140 in Findlay to apply. For interest in subbing as an aide or a secretary, please see Mrs. Book at the front entrance of the school for more information. We look forward to working with you at Riverdale Schools!
19 days ago, Julie Greer
Transportation team going through bus safety procedures with students. Great job Falcons, safety first!!
20 days ago, Greg Rossman
Great job buildings and grounds/athletic department teams. D Ray Baum field is ready for action. JH opener tonight vs PH, varsity opener tomorrow vs. Arlington, See you at the game.
20 days ago, Greg Rossman
Miss Marshall and her class starting their morning with a discussion centered on key vocabulary terms.
21 days ago, Greg Rossman
Congratulations to our amazing secretaries on being names FALCONS of The Month! Brittany Roach, Jade Moore, Vic Drummelsmith, (NP: Gayle Book). Great job Ladies, and thank you for everything...
22 days ago, Greg Rossman